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The individual Tasks are the core components of Universal Monster's Behavior System. Every behavior is created from an array of basic Tasks. UM comes with many types of Tasks and, depending on the order they are used and the settings they are configured with, you can create any behavior you can think of.
Data Table Row: You can store your Tasks in a data table. Task: The type of Task to be executed. Use Attack Task Info?: Should the Task use the Task Info of the current Attack? Task Info: See Task Info section below. Use Task Conditions?: Should the Task use Task Conditions to determine its result? Task Conditions: See Task Conditions section below. Use Task Result?: Should the Task use the finish execute result? Success Result: See Task Results section below. Fail Result: See Task Results section below. Use Duration?: Should the Task use a duration result? Duration Result: See Task Results section below.
Every Task will need to be configured by filling out the Task Info. Basic explanations of each variable can be found below, but each Task Type will utilize the Task Info differently so the variables used for each type will also be explained in their own section.
Data Table Row: You can store your Task Info in a data table. Custom: Set of arrays to be used within a custom Task Event that is triggered at the start of this task. Actor: The actor class to search for when using the Find task. Start Sound: Array of sounds, which one is randomly chosen, to play at the start of this task. Start Sound Delay: Delay, in seconds, before the start sound is played. End Sound: Array of sounds, which one is randomly chosen, to play at the end of this task. Animation: Array of animations, which one is randomly chosen, for an Animation task. Root Motion?: Should the character "simulate" root motion by using location and rotation curves? Location Curve: The location curve to use when Root Motion is true. Rotation Curve: The rotation curve to use when Root Motion is true. Launch Character?: Should the character launch itself? Launch To Target?: Should the character launch itself to its target? Min Arc: Minimum height of arc between 0.0-1.0 where 0.5 is the default medium arc, 1 is up, and 0 is directly toward the target. Max Arc: Maximum height of arc between 0.0-1.0 where 0.5 is the default medium arc, 1 is up, and 0 is directly toward the target. Min Angle: Minimum angle relative to the character's forward vector. Max Angle: Maximum angle relative to the character's forward vector. Angle Offset: Offset of the random angle chosen between Min Angle and Max Angle. Min Strength: Minimum power for the character launch. Max Strength: Maximum power for the character launch. Min Duration: Minimum duration to wait before triggering the duration result. Max Duration: Maximum duration to wait before triggering the duration result. Min Distance: Minimum distance to be used in this task. Max Distance: Maximum distance to be used in this task. Controller Rotation?: Should the task enable Use Controller Desired Rotation in the Character Movement Component? Orient Rotation?: Should the task enable Orient Rotation To Movement in the Character Movement Component? Min Movement Rate: Minimum percentage of max walk speed for this task. Max Movement Rate: Maximum percentage of max walk speed for this task. Min Acceptance Radius: Minimum acceptance radius to determine when the character has reached a location. Max Acceptance Radius: Maximum acceptance radius to determine when the character has reached a location. Stop On Overlap?: Should the acceptance radius also add the pawn's radius? Min Reaction Time: Minimum reaction time to be used in this task. Max Reaction Time: Maximum reaction time to be used in this task. Face Target?: Should the character rotate to face the target during this task? Maintain Range?: Should the character maintain its current attack range during this task? Maneuver?: Should the character maneuver left/right during this task? (no longer in use) Can Perceive?: Is the character allowed to perceive new targets during this task? Can Change Target?: Is the character allowed to change targets during this task? Can Enter Combat?: Is the character allowed to enter combat during this task? Set Attack?: Should the character set a new attack at the start of this task?
Random Chance: Every behavior interval, determined by Min and Max Reaction Time, has a random chance to trigger the result. Stimulus Conditions: See Conditions page, link below. Self Conditions: See Conditions page, link below. Target Conditions: See Conditions page, link below. Result: See Task Results section below.
Change Behavior?: Should this result in a new behavior? In Combat?: Should the character be in combat? Clear Target?: Should the character remove its current target? Behavior: If Change Behavior is true, a random behavior index is chosen for the next behavior. Task: A random task index is chosen for the next task of the current behavior.
Change Behavior will also trigger UM to test which behavior array to use. For instance, if your AI is currently using a Stimuli Behavior and you set Change Behavior and In Combat to true, the AI will then choose a behavior and task in the Combat Behaviors array. By default, this is used to transition for perceiving the target to then entering combat with the target. Another example, if your AI is currently using a Combat Behavior and your set Change Behavior to true and In Combat to false, the AI will then choose a behavior and task in the Stimuli Behaviors array. This is useful for getting an AI to flee after they have already been fighting, such as fleeing when they are less than 25% health.